WiSe24/25: Constraint-based Semantics 2

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Course description

This course presupposes a background in formal semantics compatible with the material discussed in Semantics 1 and similar courses. The first-order based logical framework of the introductory course to semantics will be developed into a higher order logic, which enables us to formulate a theory of quantification and sentence embedding in Lexical Resource Semantics (LRS).


The course requires familiarity with the basics of formal semantics, as acquired in the course “Semantics 1” taught at the IEAS.


Register by sending an e-mail message to sailer@em.uni-frankfurt.de before September 30, 2024. Please include your Matrikelnummer, course of study, the intended module, and your background in semantics in your message.


Textbook draft to be distributed during the semester.