Example solution for defining a model in the context of ''Jane Eyre''

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Task 2

1. Define a universe consisting of four main characters from your book.

2. Introduce names for your characters and provide their interpretations.

3. Introduce three property symbols relevant to the plot and provide their interpretations.

4. Introduce two 2-place relation symbols relevant to the plot and define their interpretations.

1. Universe

U = {JaneEyre, BerthaMason, MrRochester, StJohn}

Back to the assignment sheet for Chapter 2.

2. Names

Names: jane, bertha, edward, st.john

Interpretation of the names:

  • I(jane) = JaneEyre
  • I(bertha) = BerthaMason
  • I(edward) = MrRochester
  • I(st.john) = StJohn