We collect and provide links to courses and course material on LRS.
Formal Semantics: An Empirically-grounded Approach (ms)
Go to the general site of the textbook or follow the links below:
Glossary of basic terms
- The basic glossary contains key terms of semantics as they occur in the semantics chapters of introductions to linguistics or in basic introductions to semantics. Our glossary is still under construction.
Course types
The following types of semantics courses are offered by the IEAS/Linguistics department of Goethe-University Frankfurt a.M.
(Constraint-based) Semantics 1
Course description
Semantics is the study of the (literal) meaning of words and sentences. The meaning of a sentence is usually predictable from the words in the sentence and its syntactic structure. Yet, this relationship between form and meaning is not a simple one-to-one mapping. Instead, it is rich in ambiguities, pleonastic marking and elements without any identifiable meaning contribution. We will work on an account that is founded on classical tools of semantic research but still directly addresses these empirical challenges. After the class, the participants will be able to identify - and partly analyze - interesting semantic phenomena in naturally occurring texts. They will have acquired a basic working knowledge in formal logic, which they will be able to apply in the description of meaning.
- Possible modules: L2+5, L3 FW 2A.1, FW 2B.1 / MSc WiPäd FW 2A.1 / BA ES 3.4.1 / BA EmpSprachw K6.1, En 4.1, DH 5.2
- Remark: In diesem Kurs kann keine Modulprüfung für BA English Studies 3.4 und BA Empirische Sprachwissenschaft En 4 abgelegt werden.
Find a set of typical material, including videos at the following page: Material for "(Constraint-based) Semantics 1"
The videos can also be accessed here: https://www.english-linguistics.de/videos-semantics-1/
Introduction to Constraint-based Grammar (LING-ARC-CON)
Exercises on the semantic representation language:
- direct link: http://wiki.studiumdigitale.uni-frankfurt.de/FB10_EnglishGrammar/index.php/Hauptseite
- local link in this wiki
(Constraint-based) Semantics 2
This course comes in two variants: First, a direct continuation of the (Constraint-based) Semantics 1 course; second, a course that addresses some advanced topic in semantics but just presupposes general familiarity with semantics/predicate logic, but not LRS specifically.
A course description of the first variant could be:
This course presupposes a background in formal semantics compatible with the material discussed in Semantics 1 and similar courses. The first-order based logical framework of the introductory course to semantics will be developed into a higher order logic, which enables us to formulate a theory of quantification and sentence embedding in Lexical Resource Semantics (LRS). In this class we will focus on the possibilities that the LRS architecture offers for generalizing classical generalized quantifier theory to so-called polyadic quantifiers. These are notoriously difficult to handle for more traditional views on semantic composition in natural languages, but we will see that the constraint-based view of semantics can integrate them naturally.
Upcoming courses
- Summer term 2025, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main
- Frank Richter: Meaning in Languages (twice)
- Manfred Sailer: Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Constraint-based Semantics 2
Present courses
- Winter term 2024/25, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
- Frank Richter: Constraint-based Semantics 2
- Frank Richter: Seminar Semantics 1 (twice)
- Manfred Sailer: Digital Data in English Linguistics: Profiling Negative Polarity Items
Past courses
- Summer term 2024, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
- Frank Richter: Seminar Semantics 1 (twice)
- Frank Richter: Seminar Constraint-based Semantics 2
- Winter term 2023/24, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
- Frank Richter: Seminar Semantics 1 (twice)
- Frank Richter: Seminar Constraint-based Semantics 2
- Summer term 2023, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Semantics 1
- Frank Richter: Seminar Meaning in Language
- Winter term 2022/23
- Frank Richter: Seminar Semantics 1 (twice)
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Constraint-based Semantics 2: Negation and modality
- Summer term 2022, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
- Sascha Bargmann: Seminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Constraint-based Semantics 2: Quantifiers and negation
- Frank Richter: Seminar Meaning in Language
- Winter term 2021/22, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
- Sascha Bargmann: Seminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Digital Data in English Linguistics: Studying the expression of negation through corpus data
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Pragmatics
- Lecture Constraint-based Analysis
- Frank Richter: Seminar Constraint-based Semantics 2
- Summer term 2021, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Semantics 1 - This course was taught online!
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Placeholder Expressions - This course was taught online!
- Frank Richter: Seminar Meaning in Language - This course was taught online!
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Constraint-based Semantics 2: Negation - This course was taught online!
- Winter term 2020/21, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Semantics 1 - This course was taught online!
- Frank Richter: Seminar Constraint-based Semantics 2 - This course was taught online!
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Digital Data in English Linguistics: Emotionally loaded language - This course was taught online!
- Gert Webelhuth: Lecture Constraint-based Analysis - This course was taught online!
- Summer term 2020, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
- Gert Webelhuth: Seminar Semantics 1 - This course is taught online!
- Frank Richter: Seminar Constraint-based Semantics 2 - This course is taught online!
- Winter term 2019/20, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Digital Data in English Linguistics: Language in Politics
- Frank Richter: Lecture Constraint-based Analysis
- Summer term 2019, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
- Manfred Sailer: Proseminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Constraint-based Semantics 2
- Winter term 2018/19, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
- Frank Richter: Proseminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Proseminar Semantics 1
- Frank Richter: Seminar Constraint-based Semantics 2
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Digital Data in English Linguistics: Lexical and Functional Uses of Verbs
- Summer term 2018, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
- Frank Richter: Proseminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Proseminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Hauptseminar Constraint-based Semantics 2 (Sailer)
- Winter term 2017/18, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main.
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Semantics 1
- Frank Richter: Hauptseminar Semantics 2
- Summer term 2017, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main.
- Frank Richter: Proseminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Proseminar Semantics 1
- Frank Richter: Hauptseminar Semantics 2 (Richter)
- Manfred Sailer: Hauptseminar Semantics 2 (Sailer)
- Winter term 2016/17, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
- Frank Richter: Proseminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Proseminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Hauptseminar Semantics 2
- Manfred Sailer: Hauptseminar The syntax-semantics interface: Empirical challenges and theoretical alternatives
- Gert Webelhuth: Constraint-based Grammar
- Summer term 2016, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main.
- Frank Richter: Proseminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Proseminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Hauptseminar Semantics 2: Semantic phenomena in creole languages
- Winter term 2015/16, University Frankfurt/Main.
- Frank Richter: Seminar Semantics 1
- Summer term 2015, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main.
- Frank Richter: Seminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Hauptseminar Modification
- Winter term 2014/15, Goethe University Frankfurt/Main.
- Frank Richter: Seminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Seminar Semantics 1
- Manfred Sailer: Hauptseminar Quantifiers
- Summer term 2014: Goethe University Frankfurt/Main. Manfred Sailer: Proseminar Semantics 1
- Winter term 2013/14: University Düsseldorf
Frank Richter: Constraint-based Semantics - Winter term 2013/14: Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
Manfred Sailer: Semantics 2
- Summer 2013: Summer School in Language, Logic and Information 2013, Düsseldorf
Bob Levine and Manfred Sailer: Lexical Resource Semantics: Where empirical grounding meets computational tractability in the syntax/semantics interface. One-week introductory course in Language and Computation
- Summer term 2013: Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
Manfred Sailer: Introduction to Semantics
Link to the assignment sheet on logic (with example solution)
- Winter term 2012/13: Goethe University Frankfurt/Main. Manfred Sailer:
- Proseminar: Introduction to Semantics
- Hauptseminar: ''New Media in Teaching Semantics''
- Oberseminar: Syntax and Semantics
- Winter term 2012/13: Universität Tübingen
Frank Richter: Constraint-based Semantics
- Summer term 2012: Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
Manfred Sailer: Introduction to Semantics
- Winter term 2011/12: University Göttingen
Manfred Sailer: An empirically grounded approach to the syntax-semantics interface.
- Summer 2011: Linguistic Institute 2011: University of Colorado at Boulder
Gerald Penn and Frank Richter: Scope and Negation: Typological Diversity Meets Computational Semantics. 4-week course.
Content: Negation, negative concord and licensing of negative polarity items were discussed under a typological perspective and described in LRS as a framework covering linguistic theory and computational implementation.
- Winter term 2004/2005: Universität Tübingen
Frank Richter: Underspecified Semantics: An HPSG Perspective.
- Summer 2003: ESSLLI 2003 (Vienna)
Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Constraint-based Combinatorial Semantics (Introductory course).
Content: A number of constraint-based systems of combinatorial semantics were discussed, the essemtials of LRS were introduced and compared to the other systems.