WiSe20/21: DD@EL
Digital Data in English Linguistics: Emotionally loaded language
REEL Day 2021
Please consult the following page for the REEL Day 2021.
Course description
This is an online course!
Language is not only used to communicate information, but is typically loaded with emotions and the implicit expression of opinions. We find this in euphemisms, in pet names just as in derogatory terms and in insults.
In this course, students will explore central concepts of sociolinguistics, pragmatics, and the research on “language and emotion.” We will study real language use, based on authentic corpus data of American English. The participants will define a research question and pursue it in the form of a small corpus-based project.
This course runs in parallel to courses at the University Mainz that also focus on American English usage. If possible, the participants of the courses will present their work in a joint Mainz-Frankfurt Student workshop "Research in English Linguistics" which will take place February 13, 2021. Participation in this workshop is a mandatory course requirement.
The topic of this course is well suited for the oral or written Staatsexamen with Manfred Sailer.
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of formal semantics or corpus linguistics.
Registration: by sending an e-mail to Manfred Sailer at [1]
Olat course: to be announced
Course requirements
L3: FW 3.1, FW 4.2
- Work load (1CP = 30 hours): 4 CP = 120 hours
- Teilnahmenachweis: active participation, all "general requirements"
- Leistungsnachweis: portfolio: Deadline: 8.3.2021
- Modulprüfung (optional): +4 CP, große Hausarbeit (19-21 pages)
- Register till: 28.2.2021
- Term paper submission: 29.3.2021 -> 10.5.?
BA English Studies: 3.4.2
- Work load (1CP = 30 hours): 4 CP = 120 hours
- Teilnahmenachweis: active participation, all "general requirements"
- Modulprüfung: +4 CP, Große Hausarbeit (15 pages, 1,800 characters/page)
- Register: 25.01.-22.03.2021
- Term paper submission: 29.03.2021 -> 26.4.
BA Empirische Sprachwissenschaft: En 4.2, En 5
- Work load (1CP = 30 hours): 4 CP = 120 hours
- Teilnahmenachweis: active participation, all "general requirements"
- Modulprüfung: +4 CP, Große Hausarbeit (15 pages, 1,800 characters/page)
- Register: 25.01.-22.03.2021
- Term paper submission: 29.03.2021 -> 26.4.
BA Empirische Sprachwissenschaft: DH 6
- Work load: 6 CP = 180 hours
- Teilnahmenachweis: active participation, all "general requirements"
- Modulprüfung (corresponding to 2 CP): short term paper (8-10 pages, 1,800 characters/page)
- Register: 11.1.2021-1.3.2021 über QIS
- Term paper submission: 29.3.2021 -> 26.4.
Needs to be acknowledged by the Modulverantwortliche
MA Linguistics: LING-INTER-ARC
- Work load: 4 CP = 120h
- Without Modulprüfung
- Teilnahmenachweis: active participation, all "general requirements"
- Leistungsnachweis: portfolio
- With Modulprüfung (+4CP):
- Teilnahmenachweis: portfolio, active participation, all "general requirements"
- Modulprüfung: oral exam of 30min, covering the entire course content. Date to be fixed individually.
Free corpus tools
We will be working with the free corpus tools available from http://www.laurenceanthony.net/. In particular:
- AntFileConverter (to convert pdf files to txt files)
- AntConc (to get concordanced example sentence, word frequencies, etc.)
Overview of English corpora
https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/al/repository/staff/harrisontilly/corpora-for-workshop/ (many broken links)
URL: https://english-corpora.org
Tutorials produced in Frankfurt & Mainz
There are six tutorials for working with the corpora available at English-Corpora.org:
Other COCA tutorials
- Mark Davies' youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP9ZzUKjxhcaitp4o98PbbA
- Introduction. Searching basics, display basics (20min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCLgRTlxG0Y
- COCA Bites channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy84tTzeJ0s8JLjf_wEiWUQ
- Series of videos by Kylie Moore: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6W-iIBZmmi1ZObAYQZjZQ/featured
- Series of videos on TheGrammarLab: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL39Kisoscb82UsJPhWS0Yw
- Stevie Daniels: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ggTftZFjC8
- BYU tutorial on Bill's English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmRaS7d-SP8
- Spanish screencast on phrasal verbs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m49Fzmsl5S8
BNCWeb: http://bncweb.lancs.ac.uk
Freely usable after registration!
Help with the query language: http://bncweb.lancs.ac.uk/bncwebXML/Simple_query_language.pdf
BNCWeb tutorials
- Search tips for BNCWeb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwQJvwQG5kc&list=PLCAyWhRTMOO4rZgbQ6C3veSHRs5GlI0Mv&index=10
- More general searches: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaNkgm1zo-A&list=PLCAyWhRTMOO4rZgbQ6C3veSHRs5GlI0Mv&index=9