Semantics 1, WiSe 2016/17 (Sailer)
General information
- Course hours: Tuesday, 8.15-9.45 am
- Room: New! IG 3.201
- Olat course:
Material for week 13
A syntactic fragment:
The login information can be found on the slides.
Basic combinatorics: Canonical examples
(the following exercises are adapted from the textbook material to [Chapter 5].
Possible EX-CONT values
Given the following PARTS lists, what are possible EX-CONT values (if we do not assume other restrictions)
1. PARTS < pat, alex,like, like(__,__) >
Check your answer
2. PARTS < alex,snore, snore(__), ¬(__) >
Check your answer
3. PARTS < alex,alex,snore >
Check your answer
There is no possible EX-CONT value because the three elements on the PARTS list cannot be combined.
3. PARTS < alex,alex,snore, snore(__) >
Check your answer
4. PARTS < alex,alex,snore, snore(__), __ ∧ __ >
Check your answer
snore(alex) ∧ snore(alex)
Material for week 10
A syntactic fragment:
The login information can be found on the slides.
Material for week 8
- Formulate a simple! sentence compatible with your scenario that contains some/a and every/each.
- Give the two logical translations of the sentence.
- Which of the readings are true in your model?
- Do the exercises on our wiki page!
- Provide the syntactic structure for your example sentence.
- Sketch the lexical information needed for the verb in your sentence.
(the following exercises are copied from )
Parts of speech
Feel free to send feedback on this exercise to Manfred Sailer.
Syntactic categories
Feel free to send feedback on this exercise to Manfred Sailer.
Material for week 5
- Work through this wiki page.
- Read: Levine et al., Chapter 2, Section 2
- Complex formulae:
- Give 2 complex formulae with one logical connective each. (Use different connectives)
- Provide the step-by-step computation of the truth value of your two formulae.
- For the compuation, watch the videos below.
The following video presents the step-by-step computation of the truth value of two formulae with connectives. The example uses a model based on Shakespeare's play Macbeth. The two formulae are:
- ¬ king(lady-macbeth)
- king(duncan) ∨ king(lady-macbeth)
The next video shows how the truth value of a more complex formula can be computed. The example contains two connectives:
kill(malcom,lady-macbeth) ∨ ¬thane(macbeth)
The video shows two different methods: top down and bottom up.
Material for week 4
Slides of meeting 4: File:WS1617-Sem1-slides04-final.pdf
- Work through this wiki page.
- Atomic formulae: Using your model from this week's homework,
- Give 2 atomic formulae (one true, one false)
- Provide the step-by-step computation of the truth value of your 2 atomic formulae.
- For the computation, watch the videos on the wiki page.
Additional material
Check the material on this page: additional material for week 4
Material for week 3
Slides: File:WiSe1617-Sem1-slides03-final.pdf
- Work through this wiki page.
- Read Levine et al. (in prep.), Chapter 2, Section 1 [available on olat].
- Define a model and introduce the necessary name symbols and predicate symbols for our scenario with
- three individuals
- two relations
- two properties
- Use your model and your symbols and write down
- one formula that is true in your model and
- two formulae that are false in your model.
Additional material
Check the material on this page: additional material for week 3
Material for week 2
Slides of the meeting: File:Sem1-slides02-final.pdf
- Read chapter 1 of Levine et al. (in prep.). -> available on Olat
- Find or construct one example sentence per type of ambiguity.
- Get information on our literary scenario Waiting for Godot:
- On wikipedia:
- Full text: Act 1, Act 2
- Full play on youtube:
Material for week 1
Wiki material on ambiguity: Exercise-ch1#Types_of_Ambiguity