WiSe22/23: Constraint-based Semantics 2
HPSG-neutral notation for LRS
Metavariables: α, β, ɣ, ..., φ, ψ, ...
Contribution constraints:
- call(x)
The semantic representation of a sign with a contribution constraint of the form call(x) must be an expression containing call(x) as a subexpression - ¬α
The semantic representation of a sign with a contribution constraint of the form ¬α must be an expression containing ¬α as a subexpression where α can be any expression.
Embedding constraints:
- α[call(x)]
The metavariable α is any expression containing call(x) as a subexpression.
Combinatorial semantics
When two signs combine,
- all constraints on the combining signs' semantic representation also apply to the resulting combination, and
- additional constraints may be added through principles of grammar.
Internal content
internal content: The scopally lowest contributed element, marked in curly brackets: {φ}
- call: {call(x)}
- everyone: ∀x({person(x)} : β[x])
External content
external content: The semantic representation of a complete sign, marked by underlining: φ
- everyone: ∀x({person(x)} : β[x])
Combinatorially added constraints
Internal content raisers
When an auxiliary combines with its VP complement, the internal content of the complement must be the internal content of the auxiliary.
- call: {call(x)}
- didn't: ¬α[{α'}]
- didn't call: β[call(x), ¬α[{α'}, α'≡call(x) ]
This constraint can be expressed more compactly as: β[¬α[{call(x)}]]
Determiner-noun combinations
When a determiner combines with a head, the head's internal content is a subexpression of the determiner's restrictor.
- book: {book(x)}
- every: {∀}x(φ[x] : ψ[x])
- every book: α[{book(x)}, {∀}x(φ[x] : ψ[x]), φ[book(x)]
This constraint can be expressed more compactly as: α[{∀}x(φ[x, {book(x)}] : ψ[x])]
Quantified NPs as non-heads
When a quantified NP combines with a head, the head's internal content is a subexpression of the quantifier's restrictor.
- called: {call(x)}
- someone: ∃x({person(x)} : ψ[x])
- Someone called.: α[{call(x)}, ∃x({person(x)} : ψ[x]), ψ[call(x)]]
This constraint can be expressed more compactly as: α[∃x({person(x)} : ψ[x,{call(x)}])]
External content principle
The semantic representation of an utterance
- can only contain the constants, variables, and operators that occur in the constraints contributed by lexical items and
- it must respect all constraints contributed by the lexical and non-lexical items contained in the utterance
Basic assumptions
We assume:
- Our model contains a set of possible worlds W, and a set of accessiblity relations ACC, i.e. M = < U, I, W, ACC >
- There is a special variable, w0 (abbreviated as ω or @) that refers to the current world: [[w0]]M,w = w
- There are special predicates for the different accessibility relations (modal bases):
- Alethic: ALETHsst
- Deontic: DEON1sst and DEON2esst
- Epistemic: EPISTesst
- Doxastic: DOXesst
- Dynamic: DYNAesst
- Bouletic: BOULesst
Example formulae
Sentences are translated as formulae with a free occurrence of the world variable ω.
Alex called. call(ω,alex) - also written as callω(alex)
Modal expressions introduce an explicit quantification over worlds (modal force), where ACC is any of the accessibility relations in ACC.
Necessity modality:
- Without cognitive agent: □φ ≡ ∃w (w=ω : ∀ω (ACC(w,ω) : φ))
- With cognitive agent a: □aφ ≡ ∃w (w=ω : ∀@ (ACC(a,w,ω) : φ))
Possibility modality:
- Without cognitive agent: ⋄φ ≡ ∃w (w=@ : ∃ω (ACC(w,ω) : φ))
- With cognitive agent a: ⋄aφ ≡ ∃w (w=ω : ∃ω (ACC(a,w,ω) : φ))
Example sentences:
A linguist necessarily likes logic. (deontic necessity, without cognitive agent)
- □ ∃x(linguist(x) : like-logic(x))
- ≡ ∃w (w=ω: ∀ω(DEON1(w,ω): ∃x(linguist(ω,x) : like-logic(ω,x))))
- ∃x(linguist(x) : □(like-logic(x))
- ≡ ∃x(linguist(ω,x) : ∃w (w=ω: ∀ω(DEON1(w,ω): like-logic(ω,x))))
Lexical constraints
Note: Non-contributed parts of formulae are marked in brown.
- Modal auxiliaries:
- Alethic must: ∃w (w=ω : ∀ω (ALETH(w,ω) : α[{α'[ω]}]))
- Deontic must with cognitive agent: ∃w (w=ω : ∀ω (DEON2(a,w,ω) : α[{α'[ω,a]}]))
- Verbs: All verbs contribute the world variable ω in their lexical entry.
- call: call(ω,x)
- Nouns: Nouns don't contribute their world variable. There is a global constraint that their world variable must be identical with @ or with an other world variable in whose scope it is in the utterance.
- linguist: Qx(α[{linguist(w,x)}]:β[x])