NMTS Meeting 8

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The material on this page has been created as part of a seminar. It is still heavily under construction and we do not guarantee its correctness. If you have comments on this page or suggestions for improvement, please contact Manfred Sailer.
This note will be removed once the page has been carefully checked and integrated into the main part of this wiki.

Creating Podcasts 1

This meeting will be directed by Dr. Clemens Bohrer, Akademie für Bildungsforschung und Lehrerbildung, Frankfurt a.M.


Install the following software on your computer:

  • for the sound: Audacity
  • for the video:
    • iMovie (for Mac)
    • Moviemaker (for Windows)

If possible, bring to the class:

  • your computer with the programs installed,
  • a headset so that you can do recordings on the spot.

Examples of linguistic podcasts

  • Linguistics Podcast (@linguistchris): http://linguistics.podbean.com/: a free series of linguistic podcasts
    The podcasts are relatively long. They have an interesting strucutre: A short introduction/teaser to the topic, the jingle of the podcast series, a general intro to the series, and then the real content, a final note at the end with main reference and contact possibility.
    The style is casual, but the speaker also names main references that the podcast is based on.

Examples of included podcasts


This is how an audiopodcast can be included.

ogg files

Files in the format ogg can be directly uploaded on the wiki - just like pictures. To include them in a wiki page, you type for example:


This results in:

mp3 files

Files in mp3 format cannot be uploaded directly. Please upload your mp3 file to the folder Podcasts in OLAT. Notify Manfred Sailer by mail and he will send you a valid URL to your file. You can then include it in a wiki page by the following command, where "..." stands for the URL to your mp3 file:


This results in: <mp3player>http://user.uni-frankfurt.de/~sailer/teaching/audio-StepsInSyntax.mp3</mp3player>

Films, videopodcasts

We have created a youtube channel for videopodcasts.

The following steps are required:

  1. Upload your videopodcast into the folder Podcasts at OLAT.
  2. Manfred Sailer will upload it at our youtube channel and send you the youtube link to your podcast.
  3. Include the link in the appropriate page.

Links to youtube-videos can be included in the following way (were "..." stands for the youtube id of the clip):


For example, the video with number EDBaCAVgHUI is addressed here:


Homework for December 18

Create a small podcast.

Back to the course overview.