Example solution for the ''Jane Eyre'' context

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Task 4

1. Combine your two formulæ from Task 3 into two complex formulæ. Use the connectives “¬”, “∧”, and “⊃”

2. Compute the truth value of these complex formulæ. (You don’t need to do the computation for the atomic formulæ again.)

First example formula

Formula: ¬ female(edward) ∧ husband-of(edward,bertha)


[[¬ female(edward) ∧ husband-of(edward,bertha)]] = 1
iff [[¬ female(edward)]] = 1 and [[husband-of(edward,bertha)]] = 1
iff [[female(edward)]] = 0and [[husband-of(edward,bertha)]] = 1.

Since both conditions are met (as shown in task 3), the formula is true in our model,

Back to the assignment sheet on chapter 2.

Second example formular