Semantics 1, SoSe 2016 (Sailer): Week 4

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Formulae with connectives


Read the section of truth tables from the textbook material on connectives.

Computing the truth value of a complex formula

Note: This is copied from the textbook material on connectives.

Preparing for week 4: Connectives

The following video presents the step-by-step computation of the truth value of two formulae with connectives. The example uses a model based on Shakespeare's play Macbeth. The two formulae are:

  • ¬ king(lady-macbeth)
  • king(duncan) ∨ king(lady-macbeth)

The next video shows how the truth value of a more complex formula can be computed. The example contains two connectives:

kill(malcom,lady-macbeth) ∨ ¬thane(macbeth)

The video shows two different methods: top down and bottom up.

For next week (May 2)

  • Read Levine et al (in prep.), Chapter 2, section 2 (especially 2.2.1 and 2.2.2)
  • Using your model from last week,
    • Give 2 atomic formulae.
    • Give 1 statement with a conjunction ("and")
    • Provide the step-by-step computation of the truth of your 3 statements.

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