WiSe21: Constraint-based Semantics 2
General information
Course description
This course presupposes a background in formal semantics compatible with the material discussed in Semantics 1 and similar courses. The first-order based logical framework of the introductory course to semantics will be developed into higher-order logic, which enables us to formulate a theory of quantification and sentence embedding in Lexical Resource Semantics (LRS). In this class we will focus on the possibilities that the LRS architecture offers for generalizing classical generalized quantifier theory to so-called polyadic quantifiers. These are notoriously difficult to handle for more traditional views on semantic composition in natural languages, but we will see that the constraint-based view of semantics can integrate them naturally.
Entrance test
Send your solutions to the entrance test, available at www.english-linguistics.de/fr/teaching/ws21-22/cbs/WiSe21-Semantics2-EntranceTest.pdf, to f.richter@em.uni-frankfurt.de by September 30th.
The entrance test will become available in July 2021.
You don't have to do the entrance test if:
- you have successfully passed the written exam of a Semantics 1 course by Frank Richter, Manfred Sailer or Gert Webelhuth, or
- you have been in the course Constraint-based Analysis by Frank Richter or Gert Webelhuth.