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Forthcoming events
- February 20-23: Sascha Bargmann: Syntactic Flexibility of Non-decomposable Idioms. Talk at the 16th Szklarska Poreba Workshop, Poland.
Chronology of all past events
- February 5: Sascha Bargmann and Manfred Sailer: The Syntactic Flexibility of Non-decomposable Idioms. Invited talk at the Universität Düsseldorf.
- January 8: Manfred Sailer: The Linguistic Representation of Multiword Expressions. Invited talk at the Universität Stuttgart.
(The talk contained a brief discussion of Sascha Bargmann and Manfred Sailer's LRS analysis of non-decomposable idioms.)
- December: End of the project e-Learning Resources for Semantics 2 (e-LRS2), Frankfurt.
- November 17 & 18: 2nd European HPSG Workshop in Paris, comprising the following LRS-related contributions:
- Assif Am-David & Manfred Sailer: An LRS Encoding of a Semantic Typology of Definiteness
- Frank Richter: Polyadic "Same" and "Different"
- Manfred Sailer: Inverse Linking as Complex Quantifier Formation
- September 15-17: Manfred Sailer: Inverse Linking and Telescoping as Polyadic Quantification, at Sinn und Bedeutung, Göttingen.
(The abstract can be downloaded from the conferences website or here.) - May 23-24: Manfred Sailer: Zur Vererbung von Quantoreneigenschaften innerhalb definiter Nominalphrasen (On the inheritance of quantifier properties within definite noun phrases, in German). Presentation at Semantik und Pragmatik im Südwesten (SPSW) 2014, Bielefeld.
- February 7: Manfred Sailer: A Syntax-Semantics Interface in the Light of Ambiguity, Redundant Marking, and Underspecification. Invited talk at workshop Compositionality, Unversity Göttingen.
Slides - January 23: Manfred Sailer: Zur vermeintlichen Satzgebundenheit von Quantoren (On the alleged clauseboundedness of quantifiers). Invited talk at the University Düsseldorf.
- January 9: Frank Richter: A Syntax-Semantics Interface for Unreducible Polyadic Quantifiers. Computational Linguistic Colloquium, winter term 2013/14, University of Düsseldorf.
- December 9: December 9, 2013: Manfred Sailer: eLearning Resources for Semantics. Presentation at the eLearning-Netzwerktag.
Slides, Recording of the presentation (both in German)
- October: Start of the project e-Learning Resources for Semantics 2 (e-LRS2), Frankfurt.
- September 2-5: Manfred Sailer and Suzanne Smith: e-Learning Resources for Semantics (eLRS). Blended Learning Szenario für die Semantiklehre. (in German). Poster at GMW 13, the annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft.
Download the poster.
- August 5-16: Bob Levine and Manfred Sailer: Lexical Resource Semantics: Where empirical grounding meets computational tractability in the syntax/semantics interface. One-week introductory course in Language and Computation at the Summer School in Language, Logic and Information 2013, Düsseldorf.
- July: Defense of Heike Walker's disseration on The Syntax and Semantics of Relative Clause Attachment Frankfurt.
- May 31: End of the project e-Learning Resources for Semantics (e-LRS), Frankfurt.
- October 15: Start of the project e-Learning Resources for Semantics (e-LRS), Frankfurt.
- October 12: This wiki is freely accessible online.
- June 28: Manfred Sailer: Lexical Effects of Epistemic Modals on Resolving the Scope of Strong Quantifiers (joint work with Frank Richter). Invited talk at the Universität Düsseldorf.
- May 11 & 12: LRS-related presentation at the HPSG Workshop Frankfurt
- Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Lexical Effects of Epistemic Modals on Resolving the Scope of Strong Quantifiers.
- Heike Walker: A Theory of Relative Clause Attachment [ File:Walker-RC-Attachment-Handout.pdf slides ]
- March 22: Frank Richter: What Is Constraint-Based Semantics Good for? Invited talk, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Germany.
- October 26: Frank Richter: Eine Implementierungsplattform für constraintbasierte modelltheoretische Semantik (An Implementation Platform for Constraint-based Model-Theoretic Semantics). Invited talk, Universität Osnabrück, Germany.
- September 27: Frank Richter: Redundancy and Identity in Semantic Theory and Computation. Invited talk at the Ninth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation in Kutaisi, Georgia.
- September 26-30: Manfred Sailer: Concord and Contribution Constraints in Lexical Semantics. Invited talk at the special session on Frames of the Ninth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, Kutaisi, Georgia. Slides
- July 9 & 10: Manfred Sailer: Cognate Objects in English. Presentation at the 17th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Paris. Slides
- June 2: Frank Richter: Lexikalisierte Modelltheoretische Semantik mit Merkmalslogik: Grundideen und Anwendung anhand von Lexical Resource Semantics (Lexicalized Model-Theoretic Semantics in Feature Logic). Invited talk, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Germany.
- July 18: Gianina Iordăchioaia and Frank Richter: Negative Concord in Romanian as Polyadic Quantification. Talk at the 16th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar in Göttingen, Germany.
- October 9: Gianina Iordăchioaia and Frank Richter: A Typological View on Negative Concord as Polyadic Quantification. Talk at the Cogeti Workshop in Tübingen, Germany.
- November 24: Frank Richter: Constraintbasierte Computationelle Semantik (Constraint-based Computational Semantics). Invited talk, Universität Stuttgart, Germany.
- October 24: Frank Richter: Constraint-based Computational Semantics: Connecting Syntax, Semantics and Implementation. Invited talk, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA.
- August 11-15: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Simple Trees with Complex Semantics: On Epistemic Modals and Strong Quantifiers. At the workshop What Syntax Feeds Semantics?, ESSLLI 2008, Hamburg.
- July 3: Manfred Sailer: Einfache Syntax, komplexe Semantik. Zur Interaktion von Modalen, starken Quantoren und Negation.. (Simple syntax, complex semantics. On the interaction of modals, strong quantifiers, and negation). Joint work with Frank Richter. Presentation in Stefan Müller's Aufbauseminar: Logik für Linguisten, FU Berlin. slides (in German)
- May 2: Frank Richter: LRS und CLLRS: Von der Semantik zur computationellen Semantik (LRS and CLLRS: From Semantics to Computational Semantics). Invited talk, Universität Bonn, Germany.
- March 10: Frank Richter: Lexical Resource Semantics: Combinatorics, Selection, and Computation. Invited talk, Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique, Bordeaux, France.
- January 28: Frank Richter: Does it Compute? NPIs, Negative Concord, and the Syntax-Semantics Interface. Invited talk, University at Buffalo, USA.
- November 2-3: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Neg Raising, Negative Polarity Items, and Underspecification. Talk atTheoretical and Computational Perspectives on Underspecification, Stuttgart.
- August 17: Frank Richter: Closer to the Truth: A New Model Theory for HPSG. Talk at the ESSLLI'07 workshop Model Theoretic Syntax at 10 at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
- June 21: Frank Richter and Gerald Penn: Scaling up with Lexical Resource Semantics. Talk at the workshop Current Trends in Teaching Computational Linguistics in Freudenstadt (June 18th-22nd), Germany.
- March 22: Frank Richter: Constraintbasierte Computationelle Semantik (Constraint-based Computational Semantics). Invited talk, Universität Bielefeld, Germany.
- November 27: Frank Richter: Über eine typologische Theorie des Negative Concord in LRS nach CLLRS: Linguistische Theoriebildung und computerlinguistische Implementierung (From a Typological Theory of Negative Concord in LRS to CLLRS: Linguistic Theory and Computational Implementation). Invited talk, Universität Zürich, Switzerland.
- July 24-27: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Modelling Typological Markedness in Semantics: The Case of Negative Concord. Presentation at the 13th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Varna, Bulgaria. Abstract (.pdf)
- July 24: Frank Richter and Laura Kallmeyer: Constraint-based Computational Semantics: LTAG and LRS. Tutorial at HPSG 2006. The 13th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar in Varna, Bulgaria. [Slides]
- July 15-16: Laura Kallmeyer and Frank Richter: Constraint-based Computational Semantics: A Comparison between LTAG and LRS. Poster at 8/ TAG 8. The Eighth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related Formalisms in Sydney, Australia.
- June 23: Manfred Sailer: Semantikworkshop Tübinger Welten, Ereignisse, Situationen und Zeiten, organized by the Project A5 of the SFB 441 und Laura Kallmeyer's Emmy-Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe
- June 23: Laura Kallmeyer and Frank Richter: LTAG and LRS: Worlds, Situations, Events. Presentation at the Semantics Workshop Tübinger Welten, Ereignisse, Situationen und Zeiten in Tübingen.
- June 20: Frank Richter and Laura Kallmeyer: Typed feature structures for semantic composition: a comparison between LRS and LTAG. Talk at the Workshop on Typed Feature Structure Grammars at the 22nd Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics in Aalborg, Denmark.
- November 24 - 26: Frank Richter and Gerald Penn: Scaling up with Lexical Resource Semantics. Talk at the Workshop on Semantic Processing, Logic and Cognition in Tübingen, Germany.
- October 1: Workshop of the Cogeti Scientific Network on Constraint-Based Grammar, Bochum:
- Frank Richter, Manfred Sailer and Tibor Kiss: Tutorium zur Syntax-Semantik-Schnittstelle.
- Roland Schäfer and Manfred Sailer: LRS/MRS Adjunkt-Analysen: Evaluative
- September 30.-October 1: Manfred Sailer: Neg Raising in an Underspecified Semantics Framework. Paper at 6ème Colloque de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris (CSSP 2005), Paris, France. Abstract
- August 8-19: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Workshop on Empirical Challenges and Analytic Alternatives to Strict Compositionality. Part of the 17th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI05), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Workshop proceedings
- July 13: Frank Richter and Janina Radó: Schinkenbrötchen, roh, vollkorn, 2 Euro 80 - An LRS Analysis. Talk given at the 2nd International Workshop on Constraint-Based Grammar at the Universität Bremen, Germany (July 12th-13th, 2005).
- July 12. & 13: Manfred Sailer: "Don't Believe" in Underspecified Semantics. An LRS Analysis of Neg Raising. Presentation at the Second International Workshop on Constraint-Based Grammar, Universität Bremen, Germany. Handout
- May 9: Manfred Sailer: Unterspezifikation und Mehrfachmarkierung im Tempussystem des Afrikaans. Universität Göttingen, Germany. Presentation in the Linguistisches Kolloquium, University of Göttingen, Germany.Time: 17.15-18.45, Building: Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude, Room: 004. Handout
- April 6: Manfred Sailer: Multiple Exponence and Underspecification of Temporal Operators in the Afrikaans Verbal Complex. Presentation at the Leiden Center for Linguistics, Leiden University, The Netherlands. Handout
- January 21: Frank Richter: The Trale system and the LRS implementation in Trale. Invited talk at the Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.
- January 13: Frank Richter: Semantische Komposition und Satznegation. Invited talk at the Institut für germanistische Sprachwissenschaft of the Universität Jena, Germany.
- August 4-6: Manfred Sailer: Propositional Relative Clauses in German. Talk at HPSG 2004, K.U. Leuven, Belgium. Abstract
- August 3: Frank Richter and Gerald Penn: Lexical Resource Semantics: From Theory to Implementation. Delivered at the Semantics Workshop of the 11th International Conference on HPSG in Leuven, Belgium.
- June 1: Manfred Sailer: Basic Concepts and Empirical Motivation of Lexical Resource Semantics. CNRS, Paris, France.
- April 3-7: Frank Richter, Manfred Sailer, Beata Trawiński: visit at the Linguistic Engineering Group of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.
- April 5: Manfred Sailer: Local Semantics in HPSG. Handout
- April 5: Frank Richter: How to construct a descriptively adequate semantics in a constraint-based grammar formalism. Invited talk delivered to the Linguistic Engineering Group at the Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland.
- January 12, 18.00-20.00: Manfred Sailer: Tempus im Afrikaans. Part of the Oberseminar "Neuere Literatur zu Semantik und Syntax". SfS, Raum 1.13. Corrected handout: .ps/.pdf
- December 8: Frank Richter: Überlegungen zu einer beschreibungsadäquaten kompositionellen Semantik in einem constraintbasierten Grammatikformalismus. Presentation in the Oberseminar meeting of Arnim von Stechow und Wolfgang Sternefeld. The handout is in English.
- October 2-4: Manfred Sailer: Local Semantics in HPSG. At: Colloque de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris, Paris, France.
- September 29-October 1: Manfred Sailer: Past Tense Marking in Afrikaans. At: Sinn und Bedeutung VIII, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- August 18-22: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Constraint-based Combinatorial Semantics. Introductory course at ESSLLI 2003, Vienna, Austria.
- August 7-8: Manfred Sailer: Past Tense Marking in Afrikaans. At: HPSG-Workshop on Germanic, Bremen, Germany.
- August 3-4: Frank Richter, Ekaterina Ovchinnikova, Beata Trawinski, W. Detmar Meurers: Interactive Graphical Software for Teaching the Formal Foundations of Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Talk at Formal Grammar 2002 in Trento, Italy.
- April 26-27: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: LRS and Welsh Negation. Talk given at the 6th CLAIRE Workshop, University of Essex in Colchester, England.
- April 25: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Distributionally Restricted Words in LRS. Talk delivered to the meeting of the British Constraint-Based Grammar Group at King's College in London, England.
- December 14-15: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Discontinuity Continued: LRS 3.0 alpha. At: 5th Claire Workshop.
- October 12: Manfred Sailer: Negative Concord in Polish and Lexical Resource Grammar, invited talk, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- October 5: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Cranberry Words in Formal Grammar. At: Conférence de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris, France.
- August 10: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Polish negation and Lexical Resource Semantics. Talk at FGMOL'01 in Helsinki, Finland.
- August 3: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: A semantic "Trampe" for HPSG: Easy ways from bottom to top and back in Trondheim. Invited talk at HPSG 01 in Trondheim, Norway.
- December 19-20: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Three Kinds of 'Underspecified Semantics' in HPSG. at the Workshop Linguistic Data Structures: Theoretical, Methodological, Descriptive Issues at the Universität Tübingen and the University of Pennsylvania, Tübingen.
- August 5: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Sentential Negation in French and Conditions on Logical Form in HPSG Handout (15pages) of a talk given at HPSG 99 in Edinburgh, Scotland.
- May 13: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Negative Concord in French as Constraints on Logical Forms Handout (11pages) of a talk given at Generative Grammatiker des Südens 1999 (GGS 99) in Stuttgart, Germany.
- May 1: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Negative Concord without Lexical Ambiguity Slides (13 pages) of a talk given at the Workshop on 'Slavic Negation' during the 32nd Poznan Linguistic Meeting in Poznan, Poland.
- Frank Richter, Manfred Sailer, Gerald Penn: A Formal Interpretation of Relations and Quantification in HPSG Paper presented at the Joint Conference on Formal Grammar, Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, and Categorial Grammar (FHCG-98) in Saarbrücken (Germany).
- Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Complementizers and Finite Verbs in German Sentence Structure Paper presented at the workshop and Meurers.html Current Topics in Constraint-based Theories of Germanic Syntax at the 10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information in Saarbrücken (Germany).
- Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Underspecified Semantics in HPSG Second International Workshop on Computational Semantics. Tilburg, Netherlands.
- December 19-21: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: PTQ, LF, TFL - zum theoretischen Status einer "Übersetzung in eine formale Semantiksprache" Handout (15 pages) for a talk delivered at 'Sinn und Bedeutung - 1. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Semantik' in Tübingen.
- October 7-9: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Syntax für eine unterspezifizierte Semantik: PP-Anbindung in einem deutschen HPSG-Fragment Paper presented at the workshop on Präpositionalsemantik und PP-Anbindung at KONVENS 96 in Bielefeld.
- January 29: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Ohne mich - Hinausstellung in HPSG Extended handout (18 pages) for a talk given at the IMS Stuttgart.
- January 27: Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Unterspezifizierte Modifikation Handout (14 pages) for a talk given at the 'SFB-Tag' at the IMS Stuttgart.